


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Clinic Campus. University of Barcelona.

Logotipo de la Universidad de Barcelona
Imagen Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UB is organized into three campuses (Clinic, Bellvitge, and San Joan de Deu) and its third-level university hospitals, with the collaboration of ten affiliated hospitals and twenty-two primary care centers. It has the necessary infrastructure for teaching and research (libraries, dissection rooms, practice and research laboratories, computer rooms, clinical skills laboratories, and advanced simulation spaces for critical patients). 


Faculty of Medicine. Medicine Campus. Autonomous University of Madrid.

Logotipo de la Universidad de Autónoma de Madrid
Imagen Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The UAM Medicine Campus is located in the northern area of Madrid, 100 meters from La Paz University Hospital, one of the six affiliated hospitals, and less than 1 km from two top-tier research centers, included in the UAM-CSIC international excellence campus proposal and affiliated with the Carlos III Health Institute, the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), and the National Cardiovascular Research Center (CNIC).

International Experience. Affiliated Centers

República dominicana

[Santo Domingo]

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña

Imagen del logotipo de la Universidad Naciona Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) de la República Dominicana

The National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), with more than 50 years of history, offers a wide academic range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education programs based on the values of academic excellence, humanism, innovation, environmental sensitivity, pluralism, and social commitment.

Its mission is to train capable human resources to become agents of change, promoters of sustainable development, and facilitators of transformation processes.



Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín

Imagen del logotipo de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana UPB Medellín (UPB)

The Pontifical Bolivarian University of Medellín, founded in 1936, is a renowned educational institution that has played a crucial role in the academic, cultural, and social formation of the region. It stands out for its focus on education and human values. The UPB is accredited with Multicampus High Quality Accreditation, granted by the Ministry of National Education.

It offers a variety of academic programs, promoting excellence, research, and comprehensive training. With modern facilities, the UPB encourages active participation and the development of ethical and committed professionals.



Hospital Belga

Imagen del logotipo de la hospital Belga en Cochabamba - Bolivia

The Belgian Hospital of Cochabamba is a leading institution in healthcare for its level of specialization, constant updating, clinical results, and high social commitment.

It provides comprehensive and specialized healthcare services in high-complexity medicine, pioneering the implementation of technologies, techniques, and therapies with high standards of quality, safety, and service. It counts on excellent professionals developing the best clinical practices, caring for the health of our patients with a high social commitment to their families and the community, contributing to the training of health professionals in the country.

Collaborating Centers and Institutions

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