Master's in Critical Patient and Emergencies

20 years training healthcare professionals in acute severe patient care

With the endorsements of:

Logotipo de la SEEIUC Logotipo de la SocMUE

Image of the Logo of the University of Barcelona

A Master designed for working in...

Intensive care units
Prehospital emergency services
Hospital emergency services
Emergency coordination centers

The Master's in Critical Patient and Emergencies is a program aimed at medicine and nursing, for the perfection of the necessary competencies for the care of acutely severe patients. This is an inter-university master's degree with a professional focus, with a title awarded by the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Madrid. With a modular structure, and 120 ECTS credits, addresses the knowledge and skills based on the continuum of care of a critical patient, from prehospital and emergency care to critical care in its various disciplines. The master's program has simulation laboratories and has agreements with numerous hospitals.

XXI Edition 2025/2027

Possibility of modular enrollment and installment payment

Do you need more information?

Book your spot now and get €400 off your tuition (valid for the first 50 registrations)

This is how we learn

The master's degree in numbers

Academic courses
Official sites
Graduated students
Simulation rooms
Hospital centers

Our learning model

Critical Patient and Emergencies

Infografia del Máster Enfermo Crítico y Emergencias

XXI Edition 2025/2027

Possibility of modular enrollment and installment payment

Do you need more information?

Book your spot now and get €400 off your tuition (valid for the first 50 registrations)

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Envíanos un e-mail.

What is the price of the master's program?

The total price is €10,000, with €6,000 due the first year and €4,000 the second, which includes all teaching materials, the final degree, and the courses you can take during the master's program (SVB+DEA, SVA, SVAT, SVAP, MCCR, FCCS, ECMO…).

  • The following payment methods are available:
  • - Online payment: Via credit or debit card.
  • - Payment at the offices of the collaborating banks: Printing the pre-registration receipt and making the payment.
  • - By invoice (must be requested from the Master's Secretariat before starting the enrollment process and before paying the pre-registration fee).
Can I pay the tuition fee in installments?

Yes, it is possible to make the annual payment in two installments, one in September and the second in January. You must request this before completing the pre-registration.

Is it an official master's degree?

It is a non-official, ongoing education master's degree, with a degree awarded by the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Madrid. The master's is aimed at developing and enhancing practical skills to be applied in the professional field, unlike official master's degrees which are more theoretical or research-oriented (to later access a doctorate).

Is the master's virtual, in-person, or hybrid?

It is a hybrid master's degree. Module 1 is mostly virtual on-demand classes, with some telepresence lessons. Modules 2, 3, 4, and 5 are in-person (simulation cases, workshops, clinical rotations...). Module 6 is hybrid, with virtual teaching materials and in-person or telepresence seminars.

What is the official language of the master's program?

All classes are taught in Spanish, although, exceptionally, some reading materials may be required in English (scientific articles or course manuals).

Still have questions? Write to us at and we will help you.

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